Power Sport

Stress reduction workshop for Oto Film Studio

Stress reduction workshop for Oto Film Studio

admin 4 grudnia, 2014 0 Comments

Warsztaty redukcji stresuPower agency specializes also in small, custom-made events for individual clients. In September we organized an event for Oto Film Studio Filmowe Sp. z o.o. in Hotel Narvil in Serock.
The main goal of the meeting was getting acquainted with different techniques of stress reduction. It had a character of workshops, during which the participants could gain some knowledge and apply it through relaxation exercises.

The workshop was conducted by Kasia Matuszczak, graduate of University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw, School of Training and Psychological Workshop and Academy of the Coach in Aid Centre and Psychological Education INTRA. Certified business coach High5 Training Group. Advisory expert of the company Boomway.

Goals of the meeting:

  • learning stress mechanisms and discovering personal stress factors;
  • raising awareness of individual personal resources and strong points;
  • learning the principles of assertive behaviour;
  • gaining competences in coping with stress.