Power Sport

Series of promotional meetings for distributors

Series of promotional meetings for distributors

admin 3 czerwca, 2013 0 Comments
volkswagen golfAt the turn of February and March PowerSport Agency in cooperation with the company TSO prepared a series of meetings for >strong>VW dealers aimed at a presentation of the latest model of the Golf family. During three weeks we carried out 6 two-day conferences altogether. During those meetings invited Guests were able to get to know the ins and outs of the latest car model. Varied workshops were supposed to present technical parameters of the newest vehicle designed by VW. Test rides during which all the participants could compare the newest Golf with competitor’s products were the icing on the cake.


Everyday struggles found its culmination in festive dinners with various attractions. Depending on character of the group evening a

Organizator spotkań promocyjnych - PowerSport

ctivities were arranged in James Bond style or they were typical automotive parties, where the participants could compete with each other using WRC simulators.

We invite you to watch a film – coverage of one of the meetings.

Organizator spotkań promocyjnych - PowerSport
