Power Sport

PRL recollection – city game

PRL recollection – city game

admin 14 lipca, 2015 0 Comments

gra miejska prlAnother urban game during which the participants moved around Warsaw finding traces of Ryszard Ochódzki – chairman of the club “Tęcza”, was prepared in the middle of June. We started in the café from that times, where everyone received a compulsory set: “coffee and chocolate layer cake with cream are compulsory, we are fighting for the golden frying pan!”.

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City Game

A Warsaw con man divided all participants into teams and assigned them tasks. Of course it didn’t come without competition! The participants had to demonstrate cleverness, resourcefulness and planning skills.

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Among different tasks the following should be mentioned:
– straw Bear building from straw coming from one of the Warsaw parks
– PRL taxi ride
– sports challenge at the professional shooting range
– visiting the Prime Minister levelling the pressure on the panorama terrace of the Palace of Culture and Science
– vsiting Jarząbek (coach of Tęcza club) in his flat in the city centre. Jarząbek didn’t forget about bread, salt and… a glasss of cold vodka!
– sequence of additional tasks which created the atmosphere and enabled to maintain the coherence of the script.

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The next stage of the attraction was the meeting in the Castle Square where teams had to put together all acquired materials in order to decipher the last task. Its contents was communicated through Morse code.

Joint grilling and the party on the dance floor in the club La Playa were intended as the recapitulation of the game.

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