Power Sport

POWER Agency – over 60 conferences for the Key Client

POWER Agency – over 60 conferences for the Key Client

admin 14 maja, 2014 0 Comments

Cykl Konferencji dla firmy Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o.Agencja Power Sp. z o.o. acting on behalf of Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o. organised in the course of four months nearly sixty promotional meetings. The meetings were held in various parts of Poland, each in different location. A dozen of people were engaged in them. The project was prepared with great care and attention to detail in logistics.

Cykl Konferencji dla firmy Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o.
Olga Pietrzak, Incentive Manager was responsible for realization of the event.
The agency has been cooperating with the company Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o. for six years.

Cykl Konferencji dla firmy Chiesi Poland Sp. z o.o.