On 25 February in EXPO XXI in Warsaw a “Cosmic” event was held – the Eighth Gala of Personality of the Year. The festive evening “out of this world” led AVATAR OeRa along with Olivier Janiak. Performances of a dance and acrobatic group ATELIE with Wataha Drums and a cover band Tony-S enriched celebrations of the event.
For the fifth time Power agency was responsible for the coordination of the event and animation.
The winners were elected by the Chapter of the Competition out of ten nominated in each category. The nominations were appointed on the basis of voting of the readers of MICE Poland.
Statuettes Personality of the Year 2015 received:
Client of the Year – Ewelina Sobolewska
At mBank she is responsible for organization of meetings and events. Establishing the co-operation with agencies she always pays attention to experience and creativity. Ewelina Sobolewska firmly committed to events industry in Poland is a member of SBE and the Programme Council of Konferencja Event Biznes.
Organiser of the Year – Sebastian Oprządek
Chairman of the management board and the director of the customer service of El Padre. Sebastian Oprządek in his career has carried out hundreds of campaigns and projects for big companies. In cooperation with clients and subcontractors he takes care of good communication and the level of detail in briefs. He says that determinedness in achieving goals and wonderful business partners and employees have had the biggest impact on his professional life.
Property Manager of the Year – Piotr Lenczewski
Director of sales and marketing at the Marriott Skopje Hotel in Macedonia (till the end of 2014 at the Warsaw Marriott Hotel). At work he treats an individual approach to contractual partners as a priority, and he tries to look at problems from a client’s perspective. He actively develops his educational passion running training courses, workshops and teaching at the Warsaw School of Tourism and Hospitality Management.
Subcontractor of the Year – Wojciech Zbroja
Chairman of the management board of Rent Design. Creative leader with the artistic soul for whom business is a chance for development and verification of skills. In cooperation with ordering parties he values professionalism, understanding and the ability to response to the most untypical needs of his clients. In the adventure with business he emphasizes the role of innovation and being a step ahead of the the market expectations.
During the ceremony the award Discovery of the Year was given to MPI Poland Chapter. Karolina Widawska became the winner.
She has been working for Business Service Galop in Katowice for over a year, where she is responsible for comprehensive organization of conferences and medical congresses. Karolina Widawska started her career both as a planner and an organizer right after finishing her nursery school. Then she began dealing with coordination of games and entertainment on the sports field in her housing estate. The work in the MICE industry gives her great satisfaction, she willingly participates in trade events and she focuses on continuous development.
We congratulate all the winners and we wish more successes!
We thank all the Partners of the Gala in 2015 for their successful cooperation:
Mice Poland http://www.micepoland.com.pl/
Triangoo http://triangoo.eu – scenery, screen, stage,
Eventroom http://eventroom.pl/ – lighting, sound system, truss,
Rent Design http://www.rentdesign.pl/ – chill-out zone, bars, scenery balls, smoking room, cloakroom, reception desks,
G-Fiore http://g-fiore.pl/ – flower decorations, flowers for winners, pins for nominated,
Belvedere http://www.belvedere.com.pl/ – catering, tables,
Kompania Piwowarska http://www.kp.pl/ – Książęce BEER,
BERM http://www.bermsoft.com/ – stage platforms, cabin of simultaneous translation,
Event Dance & Party http://www.eventdance.pl/ – Fordancers,
Atelie http://www.ateliegrupa.pl/ – band performance,
Rajt http://www.rajt.pl/ – chairs, dancing floor,
Brill AV Media http://www.brillavmedia.pl/ – multimedia and sound system,
Gastro Magic Servis http://gastrowypozyczalnia.pl/pl/ – cloakrooms, tableware,
Red Bull http://www.redbull.com/pl/pl – Red Bull giving wings,
EVERGREEN MUSIC AGENCY – TONY-S http://www.evergreenmusic.pl/ – performance of Tony-S Band,
Expo XXI http://www.expoxxi.pl/ – venue of the gala,
AVATAR http://www.avatarevents.pl/ – Avatar chairing the gala,
Duo Models http://m-duo.pl/ – Hostesses and Hosts,
TransmisjeOnline.pl http://transmisjeonline.pl/www/firma/ – online streaming of the event,
DJ &Lady Sax http://biurkowski.pl/ – dance music,
Figury Stalowe http://www.greatmedia.pl/ – steel tables and chairs,
VISIONLITE http://www.visionlite.pl/ – curtains,
Pap-Art. http://pap-art.pl/ – statuettes for winners,
Dekoracje Tematyczne – Delpol http://www.dekoracjetematyczne.pl/ – cosmic scenery,
Conrego https://conrego.pl/ – guest registration system,
MD Film – gala film,
Studio 69 http://www.studio69.com.pl/ – photographic setting of the gala.
fot. profesjonalna-fotografia – Photo: The organizers of the Gala of Personality of the Year 2015 and the Chairman of Expo XXI
fot. profesjonalna-fotografia.pl – Photo: The winners of the Competition Personality of the Year Mice Poland 2015