Power Sport

Organization of the ceremonial gala coordinated by Power Agency – opening of the hall in Expo Arena Ostróda

Organization of the ceremonial gala coordinated by Power Agency – opening of the hall in Expo Arena Ostróda

admin 19 kwietnia, 2015 0 Comments

Expo Arena Gala Otwarcia 4EXPO Arena – the biggest in the northeast part of Poland Trade and Conference Centre – ready for production of the most elaborate event.
The second stage of extension of Expo Arena was finished within the framework of the project Trade and Conference Centre of Warmia and Mazury co-financed from the European Union funds. Thus Expo Arena became the biggest in the northeast part of Poland Trade and Conference Centre and at the same time the second largest in the country.

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At present the complex covers an area of fifty thousand square metres but the conference area – with limitless possibilities of space arrangement – over the two thousand square metres.

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4 most technologically advanced halls, over 1500 parking spaces, 5 catering points including the restaurant for 1000 peple foster conditions for organizing every type of event, both domestic as well as international. These numbers brought a new dimension to the trade and conference line of business in Poland and in the world.

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The ceremonial opening of the new part took place on 11 April 2015. Among the invited guests to the gala were Peter F. Gontha – ambassador of Indonesia, Iwona Arent – member of the Polish Parliament, Stanisław Gorczyca – senator of the Republic of Poland, Gustaw Marek Brzezin – Marshal of the Warmian-Masurian voivodship.
The most important representatives of the Self-Government of the Warmian-Masurian voivodship took part in the inaugural event: Andrzej Wiczkowski – Ostróda Poviate starost, Czesław Najmowicz – mayor of Ostróda and Bogusław Fijas – voyt of Ostróda administrative district.
The main contractor of the project – the company MIRBUD S.A. was represented by Jerzy Mirgos – chairman of the management board, Sławomir Nowak – vice-chairman of the management board and Paweł Korzeniowski – the member of the management board.

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The opening gala was in the 1920s style. The main attraction of the evening was the presentation of event potentials of the complex Expo Arena S.A., given in the form of a multimedia display and laser Brill AV Media. The presentation of the Centre was combined with the acrobatic performance by Nashi Art. During the party Mark Shephard and his band played music.

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The partners of the Gala were: Condohotels Sp. z o.o (private limited company), Anders Agency, Power Agency, Event Business Association, Rent Design and Brill AV Media.