Power Sport

Military field game for TV TOYA

Military field game for TV TOYA

admin 16 lipca, 2015 0 Comments

Impreza integracyjna gra terenowa 2In June POWER agency organised an event for several dozen distinguished employees of TOYA TV. All who took part in the event demonstrated excellent sales results.

This year POWER Agency concentrated its activities on the forest area. The event literally had a character of the military field game. During the event everyone was dressed in military uniforms.



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In the ten checkpoints certain atractions were waiting for the participants, among other tnings: fitness exercises of varied difficulty based on the philosophy of training of the US army, shooting range with three different kinds of weapon, off road, first aid exercises, logical games. The crucial element was the strategy which teams decided to use individually. Everything was significant for the final score.


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The field game was prepared in accordance with the forestry safety regulations.

After the ceremony of rewarding the winners great music was played and the participants had fun around the bonfire till early hours of the morning.


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