Power Sport

Integration event for Hertz

Integration event for Hertz

admin 2 października, 2014 0 Comments

Power wehikuł - integracja firmowaPower Agency acting at the request of Motorent Sp. z o.o. (Hertz) and Nivette Fleet Management Sp. z o.o. organised an integration event for 120 Employees. It was the first integration party after the merger of both companies.

Power wehikuł - integracja firmowaAmong suggested thematic attractions the Client decided to choose an original, tailor-made programme by the Agency – Power Vehicle.

The integration event was closed with the evening party with excellent music from the 1980s to contemporary hits.
Power wehikuł - integracja firmowa
Power wehikuł - integracja firmowa


Olga Pietrzak from Power Agency was responsible for realization of the event.