In March this year we prepared for one of our clients an incentive trip to Zakopane. The goal of the event was providing high-level entertainment for a group of key clients. We decided to organise it near Slovakian border.
The first unexpected attraction happened to be the weather. Within a few hours we experienced 30 cm of snow fell in the area of Zakopane. Sluggish traffic on roads caused that the group reached the destination a little bit late. Then using the ski lift we got to the mountain pasture, where the base which had been previously set up was waiting with some attractions.
For guests we prepared a catering tent with sour rye soup (żurek), sauerkraut and meat stew/ hunter’s stew (bigos) and mulled wine. Nearby, there was also a bonfire where they could bake sausages. The group was divided into teams which on a rotation basis could enjoy several attractions. There were snow scooters, sled dog teams, snowshoes, snow rafting and snow tubing among others. People who didn’t feel like using the attractions or felt cold warmed themselves by fire. The final stage of the trip – a culminating event was a group walk with torches.