Power Sport

Fun evening with Jerzy Kryszak – POWER Agency for Rockwell Automation

Fun evening with Jerzy Kryszak – POWER Agency for Rockwell Automation

admin 26 maja, 2014 0 Comments

Wieczór firmowy na wesoło z Jerzym Kryszakiem
The main attraction was the performance of Jerzy Kryszak within a specially prepared script for that occasion.

It was already the fourth event realization for Rockwell Automation. 

POWER agency / previously PowerSport/ is changing in 2014 for You.
The main changes include: expanding the qualified team, starting a new website, designing a new logotype, and moving the company to a modern building becoming the seat of the agency at Kowalczyka street.

Image changes are connected with the extension of our offer and raising standards of services provided by our company. It is our respond to changing market and growing expectations of Clients. Main pillars of our activity include: EVENT, INCENTIVE, CONFERENCE, SPORT.


On 1 June You will find us:
In a new office: ul. Kowalczyka 1 lok 31
At a new website: www.agencjapower.pl
At a new Facebook web address: https://www.facebook.com/agencjapower
At Twitter: https://twitter.com/PowerSport_PL
At LinkedIn website: https://www.linkedin.com/company/agencja-power—event-incentive-conference-sport?trk=company_name
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+PowersportPl/posts
Clients will also receive the newest presentation of the Agency as well as a little surprise from us.
Contact: power@agencjapower.pl