Power Sport

Kategoria: Special Events

Special Events

PowerSport company is actively supporting various projects and initiatives which are in accordance with the profile of our company. These projects include: Rage-Race, GT-Polonia, Zobaczyć Morze (See the Sea), Skandia Maraton Lang Team, Finnmarkslopet- sled dogs’ race; solitary two-year race of Natasza Caban around the world; Europe Cup in Triatlon.

We are the permanent patrons of our race team Rajdos Ekipos, which for the last 2 years have been climbing the podiums all around Poland at least once a month.  We also help the Hovecraft Team which every year enters World and European Championships. Powersport promotes all types of active forms of lifestyle connected with sport, relax, revival, and rest.

admin 23 sierpnia, 2010 0 Comments

See the Sea When I „saw the sea” for the first time I realised how different were all my notions as a blind person concerning a voyage. I understood that it is impossible not only to describe but also to give a close approximation of the sounds, a note of anxiety, uncertainty, or the willingness […]

admin 23 sierpnia, 2010 0 Comments

Rajdos Ekipos RAJDOS EKIPOS is a group of people who have been dealing with OFF ROAD in Poland for years. Daily we organise events, off-road races, and trainings of 4×4 driving. Our experience which we pass on to the participants of our events is gained through our passion, namely taking part in of-road races. For […]

admin 21 sierpnia, 2010 0 Comments

Nowak’s Africa „..I was aware of the fact that this undertaking is not daring but rather crazy, yet the willingness to get to know Africa was too great to resist it..” Kazimierz Nowak