Power Sport

About us

About us

admin 20 maja, 2010 0 Comments

Live as if your were to die tomorrow.
Dream as if you were to live forever.


Event Incentive conference DMC Warsaw 7

Event company POWER has particularly significant influence on the event market as well as on the market connected with tours and workshops for individuals. Since 1997 we have been acquiring essential experience and know-how coordinating broadly defined sports and recreational undertakings. At university we organized group getaways and participated in the organization of all kinds of active integration. 
It’s not our work. It is our passion. 

Ethics is what we bear in mind while acting both in professional and every-day life. We employ people who are devoted to our idea. This kind of approach has allowed us to build a stable image of Powersport company, whose image is of a reliable and tested partner. 

Agency Power sp. z o.o. has been created thanks to our commitment and determination. Despite the fact that the company lacks outside know-how and despite the fact that there is a strong competition within this field, it develops dynamically and acquires references from leading and well-known companies such as IKEA, Torex Chiessi, Adamed, Polkomtel S.A., Tech-Pomp, TravelPort, Ariston, Volkswagen Leasing Polska, Unilever, Shell, Telekomunikacja Polska S.A., Quintiles, Smith and Nephew, TSO Group, Kerel, Teleroute, Wavin, SCA Hygiene Products, Coca-Cola HBC Polska, Groupon, Tork, Strabag, Polish Security Printing Works, Bre Bank S.A., Simens.


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Our success has been confirmed by many accolades, yet most importantly by our customers’ satisfaction, which inspires and motivates us towards further and effecive work.
Powersport event company is a team of enthusiasts of any type of active life. What joined us is passion towards skiing, snowboard, squash, windsurfing, kitesurfing, off-road, and all other forms of sport and recreation. Moreover, joy and curiosity about life unite us. No matter what type of event we prepare, we want it to be innovative and to single out our competition. Only through complex and unique programmes can we fulfill your most sophisticated demands. Consequently, we are all the time looking for better and unique solutions, we do not want to meet but to exceede all possible limits.


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Powersport / Power sp. z o.o. deals with:

  • complex services for companies: events organization/ integration events/ trips within Poland and abroad, business meetings, theme events, picnics, team-building events, trainings, conferences, congresses, balls, banquets, and events for children
  • winter trips for companies – incentive travel
  • active promotion of sport
  • collaboration with the media


Powersport is the organizer of business events and actively supports initiatives that are in compliance with the character of our business field inter alia such projects as: Rage-Race; GT-Polonia, Zobaczyć Morze (EN: See the Sea); Skandia Maraton Lang Team; Finnmarkslopet – sled dogs’ race; solitary two-year race of Natasza Caban around the world; Europe Cup in Triatlon, Riders War North-South, Samsung Irens Women’s Run. We are the permanent patrons of our race team Rajdos Ekipos, which for the last 2 years at least once a month have been climbing the podiums all around Poland. This is still not enough for us. The range of our activities within our offer expands constantly.

We continuously invite companies to arrange unique events with us. We intive active people with any kind of passion but also Media Patrons, possible Sponsors, and all types of other companies to cooperation.


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Powersport is part of SBE – Association of Events Line, Incetive Association SOIT, internetional association site, conferences association SKKP.

We were awarded with Solidna Firma, Polish Product Certificate, also the award of the Meeting Planner in the category Event/Service of the Year.
We became the winners of Polish Internet in category “Entertainment and Recreation”

Power Sp. z o.o. is registered as organizers and tourist subcontractors of Mazowieckie province no 1279.


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Event Incentive conference DMC Warsaw 6